Jeeve Analytics
Quickstart Guide
What codes do I need to add to my PMS?
Which custom codes are needed in my PMS software
How do I connect to Xero / MYOB
Connecting to Xero / MYOB
How do I set up my Followups?
Morning Huddle Followups
Frequently Asked Questions
How current is the data in Jeeve Analytics?
When does the data get refreshed?
What is Jeeve Analytics?
What can Jeeve Analytics do for my practice?
How do I remove legacy providers?
Removing clinicians / providers who no longer work for you
Health Screen
Health Screen - Unscheduled Production
How is unscheduled production calculated on the health screen?
Health Screen - Chair Utilisation Rate
How is chair utilisation rate calculated on the health screen?
Health Screen - Pre-booked Visits
How is pre-booked visits calculated on the health screen?
Morning Huddle
Morning Huddle - Dentist Performance
What is shown in the Dentist Performance tab?
Morning Huddle - Dentist Schedule
What is shown in the Dentist Schedule section?
Morning Huddle - Front Desk Reminders
What is shown in the Front Desk Reminders section?
Google Reviews
How do I setup the Google Reviews feature?
Setting up Google Reviews
Google Reviews - Adding your Google Link
How do I add my clinics google link to Jeeve?
Google Reviews - Creating an Invite Template
How do I create a template?
Follow Ups
Creating Follow-up Scripts
How do I create follow-up scripts?
Followup Scripts
What are follow-up scripts?
Completing a Followup
How do I complete a followup?
Dashboard 1 - Clinician Analysis
Production / Collection
How is production and collection calculated?
Hourly Rate
How is Hourly Rate calculated?
No. New Patients
How is Number of New Patients calculated?
Dashboard 2 - Clinician Procedures & Referrals
Procedure Analysis - General
How is Procedure Analysis calculated?
Clinician Referrals
How are clinician referrals calculated?
Conversion Predictor Ratio
What are the conversion predictors?
Dashboard 3 - Front Desk
UTA Ratio
How is UTA Ratio calculated?
FTA Ratio
How is FTA Ratio calculated?
Number of Ticks
How is number of TICKs calculated?
Dashboard 4 - Marketing
Total Visits
How is Total Visits calculated?
New Patient Cost
How is New Patient Cost calculated?
No. New Patients
How is No. New Patients calculated?
Dashboard 5 - Finances
Total Discounts
How is total discounts calculated?
Production Per Visit
How is production per visit calculated?
Production % Per Clinician
How is production % per clinician calculated?
User Management
User Roles in Jeeve
What permissions does each user have in Jeeve?
Adding a new user
How do I add additional users in Jeeve