Sending a review invite
Jeeve users with access to the Morning Huddle - Front Desk Reminders page have the ability to send review requests to patients.
Each patient will appear in your Morning Huddle with a "Send" button in the "Send Review" column.
Jeeve users with access to the Morning Huddle - Front Desk Reminders page have the ability to send review requests to patients.
Each patient will appear in your Morning Huddle with a "Send" button in the "Send Review" column.
After clicking this button, you will see a popup that contains the patients phone number and a message preview.
You can select a review message template or edit the message directly here. Once complete, select "Send" to send the review invite.
You can select a review message template or edit the message directly here. Once complete, select "Send" to send the review invite.
Depending on the status of the invite, you will see one of the following icons:
You have not sent the invite yet | |
Invite Delivered Successfully | |
Invite Sending (wait up to 60 seconds) | |
Invite Sent, awaiting delivery confirmation | |
You have sent a review invite to this patient previously | |
Invite Failed to send |