Followups are populated for you automatically each day in the Morning Huddle.
Ideally these should be completed daily by your front desk staff. To cater for holidays, weekends / closed days and any busy days, any incomplete followups will remain visible in the Morning Huddle for the next 2 days.
Note: after 2 days, any incomplete followups can still be viewed by using the "Followups" item on the left-hand menu, which provides monthly breakdowns for all followups.
There are currently five types of followups, which can be customised as outlined below.
Post Op Followups
Post Op followups can be triggered for patients who had any treatment you choose. When a patient has any of these treatment items performed, they will be added to your Post Op follow-up list 1 day later (by default - this is customisable).

To setup your post-op codes, click on Settings -> Clinics -> Followups
Here you can enter your Post Op codes (comma separated), and select the number of days later you want the followups to be generated.

Post Op followups can be triggered for patients who had any treatment you choose. When a patient has any of these treatment items performed, they will be added to your Post Op follow-up list 1 day later (by default - this is customisable).
To setup your post-op codes, click on Settings -> Clinics -> Followups
Here you can enter your Post Op codes (comma separated), and select the number of days later you want the followups to be generated.
Overdue Recall Followups
Overdue Recall followups are populated automatically for patients who had their last check-up/clean 7 months ago (30 weeks) by default.
The number of weeks can be adjusted under Settings -> Clinics -> Followups.

Overdue Recall followups are populated automatically for patients who had their last check-up/clean 7 months ago (30 weeks) by default.
The number of weeks can be adjusted under Settings -> Clinics -> Followups.
TICK Followups
Tick follow-ups (as in Tickle diary), are follow-ups triggered based on you entering the "TICK" code on a patients treatment tab. These followups are designed as a solution to those patients who don't want to book "on the day", and require a followup at a later date.
TICK follow-ups will be populated 7 days later (by default). The number of days can be adjusted under Settings -> Clinics -> Followups.

Further to this, you can use the codes TICK7, TICK14, and TICK28 to generate follow-ups 7, 14 or 28 days later.
Patients will appear in this list, along with their outstanding treatment items (from their active treatment plans).
Tick follow-ups (as in Tickle diary), are follow-ups triggered based on you entering the "TICK" code on a patients treatment tab. These followups are designed as a solution to those patients who don't want to book "on the day", and require a followup at a later date.
TICK follow-ups will be populated 7 days later (by default). The number of days can be adjusted under Settings -> Clinics -> Followups.
Further to this, you can use the codes TICK7, TICK14, and TICK28 to generate follow-ups 7, 14 or 28 days later.
Patients will appear in this list, along with their outstanding treatment items (from their active treatment plans).
FTA / UTA Followups
FTA and UTA followups are triggered when an FTA/UTA is entered in your PMS. Jeeve caters for these being created via item codes and also appointment status.
By default, these lists will be populated with patients who FTA/UTA "on the day" (ie. 0 days later), and excludes any patients who have an appointment booked within the next 28 days.
You can adjust the number of days under Settings -> Clinics -> Followups
eg. Changing this to "1 Day Later" will mean that patients are added to your followup list the next day, if that patient doesn't have an appointment within the next 28 days.

FTA and UTA followups are triggered when an FTA/UTA is entered in your PMS. Jeeve caters for these being created via item codes and also appointment status.
By default, these lists will be populated with patients who FTA/UTA "on the day" (ie. 0 days later), and excludes any patients who have an appointment booked within the next 28 days.
You can adjust the number of days under Settings -> Clinics -> Followups
eg. Changing this to "1 Day Later" will mean that patients are added to your followup list the next day, if that patient doesn't have an appointment within the next 28 days.