FTA / UTA Followups

How do the FTA / UTA follow-ups work?
Written by Jeeve Solutions
Updated 3 years ago

FTA / UTA Followups

Morning Huddle

Your FTA and UTA followups are populated in your Morning Huddle daily. This is used to capture any patients who have Failed to Attend or were Unable to Attend.

By default, these lists will contain any patients who FTA / UTA "on the day", who don't have another appointment booked within the next 28 days.

The number of days can be customised in your Jeeve settings (see How to setup your followups in Jeeve.)

A few icons are displayed beside each FTA / UTA followup in the Notes column. These allow you to add notes to the followup, and also show any outstanding treatment plan items for this patient.

Your Front Desk staff should select the "Status" of each call before toggling the followup to "complete". 

Note: to cater for busy days, holidays and closed days, this list also includes any incomplete items from the previous 2 days.

Monthly Followups

A full list of all historic followups is retained in the "Followups" section of Jeeve, accessible from the main menu.

This section gives monthly breakdowns on all followups. Clicking on the left/right arrows next to the month will change the date range.

Completed followups can be viewed by selecting the "Show Complete" button at the top of the table.

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